Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tomatoes Planted

Although a few days later than what I originally planned, I was able to plant my tomatoes today!
 I cut into the black tarp with scissors to make a cross which I then pulled apart to dig out the soil.
 Before planting, I removed the lower leaves from the stem.  Tomatoes have the ability to sprout roots from the stem and removing the leaves will help encourage this growth.  I will cover the stem with soil all the way up to where my fingers are holding the plant. The more roots a tomato plant has, the better the plant will grow.
The first tomato plant planted in soil.

All the rest planted and watered. 
If the weather continues to improve, the plants should take off nicely.  I noticed that a few already had flower buds emerging.  This doesn't necessarily mean that they will form fruit, but is a sign that the plants are reaching maturity.

Next post:  Making your own upside down tomato pot.

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