Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bell Pepper Update

Potting up individual pepper plants into thier own pots.
 On June 14, 2011, I went ahead and potted up the individual pepper plants that had been growing together in three pots for a month.  Two of the pots had five plants and one had four making my total count come to 14 pepper plants. 

Larger plants went with the basil plants to begin acclimating outside during the day.
 After transplanting, I separated the larger plants form the small ones.  The larger plants will begin the acclimatization process along with the basil plants.  I will plant the peppers in the ground at the end of June.

Smaller plants.
The smaller pepper plants will be kept inside under the grow light in an attempt to grow them up before acclimatization and then planting outside.

Next post:  Planting Corn

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