Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rhododendron hedge row

Last summer (July 2010), I was given four rhododendrons from a neighbor who no longer wanted them. Wanting to get rid of them as quickly and easily as possible, he simply tied ropes around the trunks of each shrub and pulled them out by tying the rope to the hitch of his truck and yanking them out of the ground with one quick step on the gas.

Fortunately, the plants were large and the ground was dry which enabled my neighbor to pull the plants out of the ground fairly easily with out damaging the root balls or the trunks of each rhododendron.

I planted each one inbetween five existing arborvitaes. This worked out well as I was tired of having to mow inbetween them. To remove the grass easily, I watered the lawn for about 3-4 hours to soften the soil and sod. Digging up sod when the ground is dry is very tiring work which is why I always make sure that the ground is at least moist for the first 2-3 inches that my shovel enters the ground.

Here is what the finished project looked like with all four rhododendrons planted and watered.

Today(May 3, 2011), all four rhododendrons are thriving and one has even begun to bloom! I found out that all four plants are the same variety, called 'Unique'. In the picture at the top, you can see that they are a very pale pink and yellow combination, truly unique!

For more information on how to grow rhododendrons or to make a hedge, visit:

Next post: Vegetable garden update

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! I love the blossom color.
