Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Growing Lettuce in Containers

Leaf lettuces grown last year (2010).
Today, on May 17, 2011, I decided it was time to get my self going and get my lettuce seed planted.  I love both mixed leaf type varieties and romaine the best and I still had plenty of seed from last year, so it just made sense to grow what I like and save money by using what I already had.

Little Gem from Burpee and Bon Vivant Lettuce blend from Ed Hume Seeds
Both of these lettuces preformed wonderfully for me last year.  I grew them both in the ground so planting and growing them in a container will be something new that I am trying this year.
Terra cotta pot filled with potting soil
My container that I am using is a large terra cotta pot that stands about 18 inches tall and has a 12 inches wide at the top.  I filled it with potting soil and then watered the soil to moisten it.

Planted with seed!
 After moistening the soil, I got the seed of the romaine out and poured a little bit of it in my hand.  I sprinkled the outside rim with the seed and tried my best not to spread it too thick.  With the lettuce blend, I sprinkled the inside portion with that variety.  After planting both varieties, I carefully pushed down the seed into the surface of the soil.  I then watered the seed using the fine mist option on my multi-use watering wand.  Now, it is time to just sit back and wait.  Lettuce seed will germinate in 5-10 days and are much more reliable in cool weather than some other crops that require warmer temperatures. 

For more information, check out this article:  Container gardening: Growing Lettuce

Next post:  Growing basil

1 comment:

  1. Great idea...salad in a pot! Easy to harvest, too.
