Thursday, April 14, 2011


Welcome to my first post on my very own blog!

At last, I finally did it! It only took seven months for me to finally make this a reality. I have been contemplating doing this since I joined Helium, which is the site that I publish my freelance work. I will share links to those articles in this blog where applicable.

I will be writing mostly about my gardening which includes my trials and tribulations, new ideas, things that don't grow well, observations, retail nursery experiences, and anything else that is related in anyway and could be shared and enjoyed with others.

For those who do not know me that well or would like to hear more about my background, I have been working in the horticulture industry since 1997 when I was in high school. My first horticulture job was at Molbak's Nursery in Woodinville, WA, where I worked in the indoor and garden plant area of the store. While working there, I attended Edmonds Community College for an Associates degree in Horticulture. After a year of community college, I decided that I wanted to pursue a degree with a little more beef to it and transferred to Washington State University to get a Bacherlors of Science in Genetics and Cell Biology with an emphasis on plant genetics. After graduating, I worked at my last retail garden center (I worked at four total) and landed my current position of supervisor of the tissue culture laboratory at Briggs Plant Propagators.

I have always loved plants and gardening and will be writing and sharing about my vegetable garden quite frequently.

Feel free to ask me questions and share tips. I always love to see messages and comments!

Next week: My heirloom tomatoes and planting carrot seed.


  1. Congratulations on getting your blog going! I know I will enjoy following it.

  2. Yay Amy! This will be fun for me to read!
