Sunday, January 8, 2012

Preparations for Spring!

Buds of Rhododendron 'Unique' waiting for spring!

January is a very exciting time, even if the weather and short days keep me inside. This is the time when I can plan out where to plant and what kinds of preparations need to be made to the beds. Because I do not have a composting bin or even a pile (too many weeds such as morning glory that invade), I have decided to pile up the leaves that have fallen from the Japanese maple in the backyard and place them into the bed where the peppers and tomatoes grew in 2011. I am hoping that the leaves will be broken down into compost by the earthworms and other hungry microorganisms in hopes of reintroducing nutrients back into this bed. 

Yes, that is a pumpkin thrown into the mix!

After spreading them out, I then stretched out the black plastic over the leaves to warm up the contents underneath and speed up the process a bit. A few weeks before spring, probably at the beginning of March, I will uncover the leaves and dig them into the soil. I will replace the plastic and then remove it again when it is time to plant. My hope is that it will be composted, but we shall see!

I have also compiled a list of all of the necessary items that will make this year's growing season a little easier than it was for me in 2011.  Here is the list in order of importance:

Corry's Slug and Snail Death
Jiffy Peat pellets in the larger size (Saw them at Walmart last year)
Bags of compost
Bags of potting soil (I intend to grow the peppers as well as the tomatoes and a few ornamentals in containers this year)
Miracle Gro

That is the plan!  At least for the moment I am writing this post!  

Next post:  Painted Rocks: Turning an overly abundant nuisance into garden art.